Want users to see only Product they are mapped to via Groups

Praveen Kumar Bansal praveen.bansal at puresoftware.com
Tue Jul 30 05:41:52 UTC 2024

Many thanks Kiran. Wasn’t aware of this but now understand reading documentation again about this and other check boxes:

  *   Ensure the "Entry" box is checked so that only group members can access the product.

Thanks and Regards,
Praveen Bansal

From: Kiran Chauhan <kiran.chauhan at matrixcomsec.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 10:47 AM
To: Praveen Kumar Bansal <praveen.bansal at puresoftware.com>
Cc: support-list at bugzilla.org
Subject: Re: Want users to see only Product they are mapped to via Groups

Hi Pravin,
You can set it up using group-based security settings.
Create groups, associate groups for users, and associate groups for products.

1. Create Groups:

  *   Navigate to Administration > Groups.
  *   Click "Add Group".
  *   Fill in the necessary details like Group name (Product_Access_Group), Description, etc.
  *   Click "Add".

2. Set Group Controls for Products:

  *   Navigate to Administration > Products.
  *   Click on the name of the product you want to restrict.
  *   Scroll to the "Group Controls" section.
  *   Check the "Mandatory/Members" box for the group you created earlier (Product_Access_Group).
  *   Ensure the "Entry" box is checked so that only group members can access the product.
  *   Click "Save Changes".

3. Assign Users to Groups:

  *   Navigate to Administration > Users.
  *   Search for the user you want to add to a group.
  *   Click on the user's login name to edit their profile.
  *   Scroll to the "Group Membership" section.
  *   Check the box for the group (Product_Access_Group) and click "Submit".

After completing these steps, users will only see the products they are mapped to via groups.

Kiran Chauhan

On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:27 AM Praveen Kumar Bansal <praveen.bansal at puresoftware.com<mailto:praveen.bansal at puresoftware.com>> wrote:

While creating Bug I don’t want user to see all Products. Want users to see only Product they are mapped to via Groups Can someone let me know if this is possible and if Yes what change I need to do.

Thanks and Regards,
Praveen Bansal

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