Want users to see only Product they are mapped to via Groups

Kiran Chauhan kiran.chauhan at matrixcomsec.com
Tue Jul 30 05:17:25 UTC 2024

Hi Pravin,
You can set it up using group-based security settings.
Create groups, associate groups for users, and associate groups for

*1. Create Groups:*

   - Navigate to Administration > Groups.
   - Click "Add Group".
   - Fill in the necessary details like Group name (Product_Access_Group),
   Description, etc.
   - Click "Add".

*2. Set Group Controls for Products:*

   - Navigate to Administration > Products.
   - Click on the name of the product you want to restrict.
   - Scroll to the "Group Controls" section.
   - Check the "Mandatory/Members" box for the group you created earlier (
   - Ensure the "Entry" box is checked so that only group members can
   access the product.
   - Click "Save Changes".

*3. Assign Users to Groups:*

   - Navigate to Administration > Users.
   - Search for the user you want to add to a group.
   - Click on the user's login name to edit their profile.
   - Scroll to the "Group Membership" section.
   - Check the box for the group (Product_Access_Group) and click "Submit".

After completing these steps, users will only see the products they are
mapped to via groups.

Kiran Chauhan

On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:27 AM Praveen Kumar Bansal <
praveen.bansal at puresoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> While creating Bug I don’t want user to see all Products. Want users to
> see only Product they are mapped to via Groups Can someone let me know if
> this is possible and if Yes what change I need to do.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Praveen Bansal
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