Bugzilla Migration

Kiran Chauhan kiran.chauhan at matrixcomsec.com
Wed Nov 8 05:05:28 UTC 2023

Dear All,
Greetings of the day!!!

We've Bugzilla installed on-premises. Below is the detail:

   - Version 4.4.9
   - Database: MySql
   - OS: Cent OS

We have categorized the issues as New requirements and Product defects in
As we've been using Bugzilla for many years, we want to split Bugzilla into
two instances for better traceability.
One instance for New requirements and the second for Product defects.

The question is:

   1. Is it possible to have two Bugzilla instances on the same server? If
   yes can anybody please share the steps? (I've gone through the project
   environment variable but couldn't understand the process to implement)
   2. In case of fresh Bugzilla installation on a separate server, Can I
   install the latest version of Bugzilla (5.0.6) and restore the data (data
   directory and MySql database backup) of Bugzilla version 4.4.9?

Please advise.
Thanks in advance...

Kiran Chauhan
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