[EXT] Re: Bugzilla

Emmanuel Seyman emmanuel at seyman.fr
Wed May 12 13:48:11 UTC 2021

* John Claessen [12/05/2021 11:50] :
> In the Bugzilla/Config.pm File I find $Bugzilla::Config::VERSION =
> "2.21.1++mspd", this seems to be a development snapshot version, does this
> mean I first need to upgrade to version Bugzilla 2.22.7 and from there on
> follow the instruction in the link below?

'2.21.1+' sounds like a snapshot of 2.21.1 with a number of changes
added to it. I have no idea what '+mspd' means.

FTR, your database schema should look like this:

There shouldn't be any need to update to an intermediary version.
Whatever version you install will update the database schema to match.

While I'm at it, this might interest you:


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