Bugzilla Performance Tuning

Joel Peshkin bugreport at peshkin.net
Sat Nov 19 19:19:36 UTC 2005

I would like to start to accumulate useful advice in a documentation 
section for sites to optimize performance......   I'd like suggestions 
for what should be included....

My starting list....

1) Shadow database (provide some hints)

2) Raid-0 or LVM

3) Compress the most easily compressible http traffic (don't compress 
everything... IE will break)
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/javascript

4) MySql's query cache is off by default.   Has anyone experimented with 
this?  I did some very rudimentary tests and found that the act of 
loading and displaying the next bug in a buglist results in about 10 
successful query cache hits. I have not idea how much time that saves or 
doesn't save.

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