Bugzilla CSS plan

Maxwell Kanat-Alexander mkanat at kerio.com
Sat Jul 24 02:19:46 UTC 2004

>     - Provide a single empty /css/custom.css file for people to write
>       their customized rules in. This file is linked to last in the
>       header and thus applies over *any* styles defined for the page.

	See, I think that this is a good idea. Here's what I think:

	(1) I like Myk's approach, because it allows for maximum flexibility.
Of course, it's a lot of files -- both developers and admins can get
lost in them. We would have duplicate rules from different people
working on different pages.

	(2) I like the simplicity of Kiko's way -- it's just one file. However,
if we have only one CSS global.css file for all of Bugzilla, it will
bit-rot at a mad rate as we go all-CSS. It would also be very large.

	So, here's my suggestion:

	(A) First, separate out positioning and style into two separate
stylesheets. This also makes it easier for the admin to modify things.

	(B) Have a custom stylesheet for each major template *section*, such as
reports/ or bugs/, that is mostly empty but contains a few important

	(C) Have a single, global "custom" stylesheet.

	So that a page in "bugs" has these stylesheets, in this order:


	bugs/position.css and bugs/style.css should be mostly empty. Really,
these ought to be templates, for maximum flexibility, but it's not

	Have alternate stylesheets for the browser is really cool. I've never
used it though; I don't think it's necessary for Bugzilla.

	Having alternate stylesheets for the admin to choose between, for his
Bugzilla, is also really cool. But of course, if I wanted to use another
skin, I would have no problem with just copying over the files from that
skin into my Bugzilla CSS directories.

Maxwell Kanat-Alexander
2nd Level Tech Support Engineer, USA
Kerio Technologies, Inc.
2041 Mission College Blvd. Suite 100
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: (408) 496-4500
Fax: (408) 496-6902
Web: http://www.kerio.com/support.html

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