Cory 'G' Watson gphat at loggerithim.org
Thu Dec 4 04:18:37 UTC 2003

I began to dig into Bugzilla's templates today, looking to being 
customizing it's L&F, only to run into things like font tags!

So I ran to b.m.o to look for CSS related bugs, and while I see a bit 
of chit-chat, I don't see a comprehensive effort to update the markup 
in Bugzilla.

Since I've been looking to find a niche, this may be my chance.  I 
don't want to duplicate effort or do unnecessary work, so where is it 
recommended that I begin my quest to CSS-and-XHTML-ify Bugzilla 
(hopefully making any necessary UI improvements as necessary)?

Cory 'G' Watson

"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment 
an incredible miracle." - Dr. John Paul Stapp

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