where to put CSS and JS files

Myk Melez myk at mozilla.org
Wed Oct 30 18:42:11 UTC 2002

Christopher Aillon wrote:

> Gervase Markham wrote:
>> The day Bugzilla starts using VBScript is the day I stop working on 
>> it :-)
> If Mozilla supports it, will you stop using it as a browser?

Oh god, this is exactly the direction of discussion that makes me oppose 
running major changes by the developers list.

Dave, here are the three extant alternatives.  All of them are good 
enough (TM).  Pick one and let's move on, please, or tell me I can check 
one JS file into the top-level directory until the argument is over, 
after which I'll move it to the appropriate directory (moving files 
being so much easier than moving directories).

css/ and js/ - short, obvious, and css/ already exists; less flexible 
than the other alternatives because it specifies the type of files it 
will contain (although all examples of the problem this causes are 

style/ and logic/ - logically consistent, but leaves css/ empty, and 
people think "logic" is bad because marketingesque.

style/ and scripts/ - the popular choice, but leaves css/ empty and 
logically inconsistent.

> It's a hassle yes.  But it's not impossible.  It will not only be 
> confusing to users but show poor judgement on the developer who leaves 
> a needless empty directory without removing it.  It's not like we cvs 
> remove directories every day....  surely we can do it just once... 

Technical note: not really.  There's no such thing as "cvs remove 
directory", there's only "manually delete directory from CVS repository, 
causing chaos in local working copies".  We don't want to go there.


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