where to put CSS and JS files

Tara Hernandez tara at tequilarista.org
Wed Oct 30 19:31:12 UTC 2002

Just to point out, cvs up -P will get rid of any empty directories, and 
cvs co ignores them by default.

Myk Melez wrote:

> Christopher Aillon wrote:
>> Gervase Markham wrote:
>>> The day Bugzilla starts using VBScript is the day I stop working on 
>>> it :-)
>> If Mozilla supports it, will you stop using it as a browser?
> Oh god, this is exactly the direction of discussion that makes me 
> oppose running major changes by the developers list.
> Dave, here are the three extant alternatives.  All of them are good 
> enough (TM).  Pick one and let's move on, please, or tell me I can 
> check one JS file into the top-level directory until the argument is 
> over, after which I'll move it to the appropriate directory (moving 
> files being so much easier than moving directories).
> css/ and js/ - short, obvious, and css/ already exists; less flexible 
> than the other alternatives because it specifies the type of files it 
> will contain (although all examples of the problem this causes are 
> hypothetical).
> style/ and logic/ - logically consistent, but leaves css/ empty, and 
> people think "logic" is bad because marketingesque.
> style/ and scripts/ - the popular choice, but leaves css/ empty and 
> logically inconsistent.
>> It's a hassle yes.  But it's not impossible.  It will not only be 
>> confusing to users but show poor judgement on the developer who 
>> leaves a needless empty directory without removing it.  It's not like 
>> we cvs remove directories every day....  surely we can do it just 
>> once... 
> Technical note: not really.  There's no such thing as "cvs remove 
> directory", there's only "manually delete directory from CVS 
> repository, causing chaos in local working copies".  We don't want to 
> go there.
> -myk
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