Results page hangs when sorting

Archie Warnock awarnock at
Wed Sep 25 15:43:06 UTC 2024

Bugzilla 5.0.6 running on an Ubuntu 20.04 host. We built a Docker 
container and deploy it on an internal Kubernetes cluster). I'm using 
Firefox to access the pages.

If I go to a search results page and click on one of the column headings 
to sort on that column, I get hung on a page which just says "Please 
stand by ...". It never completes.

We have found that by reloading the search results page, sorting on a 
column works fine. It's only on the first appearance of the results page 
that the hang occurs.

We see nothing in the browser console to indicate a problem and, because 
of peculiarities of our deployment in Kubernetes, we don't have access 
to the Bugzilla log at this time.

Has anyone seen this, and is there a fix?


Archie Warnock
ADNET Systems, Inc.
7515 Mission Drive, Suite A100
Lanham, MD 20706
awarnock at

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