Bugzilla homepage issue and new account confirm mail issue

53643058 at qq.com 53643058 at qq.com
Thu May 5 08:54:20 UTC 2022

Dear all,

I am Jonny, I have installed bugzilla 5.0 on windows 10,  but I have 2 issues when I use bugzilla and need help:

Issue1:  After Installation, my homepage style is not correct , detail pls. refer to attachment (Error_homepage.png), my checksetup result  pls. refer to attachment(checksetup.png) 
Issue2:  When new account, I have receive confirm mail ,but the confirm link can't open, detail pls. refer to attachment(Error_NewAccount.png)

if you know the reason, Pls. help tell me how to resolve it, many thanks!

My installation as below:
Bugzilla 5.0 of windows10, 
StrawBerry 5.32.1
MySQL 5.7
Apache 2.4

Best regards!

53643058 at qq.com
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