Still unable to get Bugzilla to find Perl modules Bugzilla 5.0.1 and RedHat 7 Linux

Emmanuel Seyman emmanuel at
Sat Jun 5 14:01:38 UTC 2021

* Hunt, Ron (Peraton) (US Person) [04/06/2021 19:41] :
> However I am still getting the "not found" for when I run ./ command.

What does running the command " perl -MCGI -e '1' " output?

> * This is Bugzilla 5.0.1 on perl 5.16.3
> * Running on Linux 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Oct 4 20:48:51 UTC 2018

I would really go for bugzilla 5.0.4 over 5.0.1.
I would also use the Perl modules supplied by your Linux distribution.

For EL7, you'll need another repo that supplies a number of Perl modules
in the versions that Bugzilla requires.


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