5.0 update and a plea for help with PostgreSQL

Mark Côté mcote at bugzilla.org
Wed Mar 25 18:48:01 UTC 2015

We are finally closing in on 5.0 after two release candidates.  There
are only three bugs blocking release of rc3.  One is a simple fix to
release notes, and another is about fixing our upgrade tests, which dkl
will be working on shortly.  Thanks to all who helped test our release

The last is a bug in our PostGreSQL 8.x support:

mtyson from Red Hat looked at it but has been unable to come up with a
fix thus far.  None of the other core BMO developers have sufficient
experience with Postgres.  Is there anyone out there who could take a look?

The other option is to drop support for Postgres 8.  Although still
packaged in supported enterprise Linux systems like RHEL, the last
Postgres 8 release, 8.4, was EOLed by the Postgres team in July 2014.
If we aren't able to find a good fix for bug 1138417 by the time the
other blockers are fixed, we will seriously consider officially dropping
support for Postgres 8.x.


Mark Côté
Assistant Project Lead, Bugzilla
dev-apps-bugzilla mailing list
dev-apps-bugzilla at lists.mozilla.org

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