"I'm Using" search field

Vitaly Fedrushkov fedrushkov at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jun 11 21:52:22 UTC 2008

Tosh, Michael J wrote:
> Perhaps, Bugzilla needs to better incorporate release-level indicators:
> -  Version Found (This is the existing version field)
> -  Version Fixed (This could be combined with Target Milestone)
>                  (but really should be a new single-select field)
> -  Version(s) Affected  (This would be new, a multi-select option)

What we are lacking to complete the task defined by Gerv is a _metric_ 
among releases (and perhaps milestones).  It is needed to decide whether 
some version is 'older' or 'newer' than other.

Release date is a poor candidate: there are version trees with multiple 
evolving branches.

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