file layout/structure (Was: self-intro: Craig Sebenik)

Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat at
Sat Jul 19 00:32:51 UTC 2008

On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 17:23:23 -0700 Craig <craig5 at> wrote:
> In a previous email, I had mentioned breaking up the current file 
> structure. I.e. instead of everything being in "html", there would be 
> separate config, lib, etc. directories.
> Any thoughts on that?

	I think that sort of thing is what I'd like to make *possible*
with things like Bugzilla::Constants::bz_locations(), but not
necessarily do right out of the box.

	There are possibly some things that could be moved out of the
main directory and into a bin/ subdirectory or something, but my goal
is for Bugzilla to be as easy to install as possible, at the moment. If
anything obscures where things are, I'd be against it. However, if
reorganization makes things clearer without any loss of functionality,
I'd be for it.

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