prioritizing custom fields development

Gervase Markham gerv at
Tue Feb 28 22:02:01 UTC 2006

The following should be taken in the knowledge that I am unlikely to
ever be able to contribute to this development.

Myk Melez wrote:
>    1. custom fields appearance on search, bug list, change multiple
>       bugs, long list, and printable pages;
>    2. ability to list and delete custom fields via the command-line;
>    3. boolean fields;
>    4. web interface for managing custom fields;

As others have said, this seems too high to me. Custom field management
is a rare operation. Would a command-line client really be so troublesome?

>    5. ability to position fields at arbitrary places on the edit
>       bug page;

Presumably by this you mean "ability to add code to a template such that
Bugzilla notices a custom field has been specifically placed and doesn't
reproduce it in the generic area"?


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