docs in a wiki [was Re: making review/bug filing optional for

timeless timeless at
Mon Mar 21 13:03:21 UTC 2005

Tomas Kopal wrote:
> Well, what about treating wiki as sort of "landfill" of documentation? 

or graveyard. i don't have much experience with wikis (or blogs), but 
what i have seen is that figuring out what's changed and worth looking 
at is non trivial, and not better than using bonsai on cvs or a decent 
query of bugzilla/

> Anyone can make an attempt to make the docs better, and some "reviewers" 
> will be overlooking the changes.

these are the same reviewers who barely have time to review requests 
from the wind and write their own code/docs ....

> Approval from any of the reviewers 
> would mean taking the changes from wiki and putting them back to the 
> docbook sources, which will be the only "official" documentation.

lots of additional work....

> It would be necessary to find a way how to propagate these changes from 
> wiki to docbook automatically, though.

sounds like a big problem waiting for someone to waste time on.

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