Splitting IRC into two?

Jake jake at bugzilla.org
Wed Mar 16 23:34:47 UTC 2005

I personally find it easier to have everything in one window. I have a 
tendency to not switch tabs in my IRC client so I often miss things in 
#bmo because I'm too busy glancing at #mozwebtools every now and then.

But that's just my personal preference.

Gervase Markham wrote:

> Does anyone think it would be a good idea to split #mozwebtools into two
> - a chat/discussion version, and a "bugzilla monitoring" one where all
> the bug change notifications (and immediate discussion of them) went.
> Most people would be in both; I just think it would be nice to have the
> two information streams on separate screens. Currently it's hard to
> mentally disentangle them.
> Gerv
> -
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