removing old email addresses from cc

David Miller justdave at
Fri Nov 12 18:37:18 UTC 2004

Kevin Benton wrote:
> As a process improvement over the version we have (2.17.4), it seems to me
> that moving from empty/non-empty to sense enabled/disabled state to a
> checkbox for disabling the user would also be wise, especially since
> non-printable characters are potentially problematic in the disabled text.
> I haven't gotten deep enough into the code yet, however, I feel I must ask -
> when Bugzilla senses the state change from enabled to disabled as a result
> of an edit, does Bugzilla ask to confirm disabling the user or does it just
> accept the change without warning?  I ask because of the caution in the
> manual from 2.16.x.

Yeah, agreed.  The existing disabledtext mechanism (while certainly 
efficient from a database schema perspective) is kind of a gross hack as 
far as the UI goes.  That's something I'd very much agree on: adding a 
checkbox for the disabled state, and making disabledtext optional if you 
wanted to provide additional information to the user.

In fact, instead of "disabled" then new checkboxes ought to look 
something like this:

[X] Allow this user to log in
[X] Allow this user to receive email from Bugzilla


[ ] Prevent this user from logging in
[ ] Don't send email to this user

Dave Miller      Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System   

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