Bugzilla CSS plan

Myk Melez myk at mozilla.org
Thu Jul 29 20:14:41 UTC 2004

Christian Robottom Reis wrote:

>Yes, you're right, they do show up as unknown files, and that's a
>disadvantage. Do we know what proportion of our installed sites use the
>CVS update functionality?
No, but considering that it's the way we recommend upgrading Bugzilla 
and much easier than the alternatives (especially for sites that make 
customizations), I imagine that it's fairly popular.

>Binary files won't be overwritten by a cvs up -- cvs will just fail to
>update them and complain with a C.
Right, which is also a problem.

>I have no idea why an installation would want to do this (and offer to
>their users confusingly-multiple CSS hacks of the same system), but I'm
>quite sure you do, so if you could present a good non-contrived use case
>I'd be much more comfortable with this proposal <wink>.
See my previous email on this subject regarding different views for 
different audiences.

>Yes. I'm hoping you'll convince me they *didn't* do this mainly because
>our default UI is horrid. Perhaps people that actually wrote skins can
>share their experiences with us (I know dkl is one of those people, so
>where are you hiding <wink>)?
I'm not sure why extant skins were created, but I want skins even if it 
was mostly fix our horrid UI, because I want installations to have the 
flexibility to make changes we don't anticipate or won't implement 
ourselves (for the simple reason that our standard skin can't be 
everything to all people) and share them with each other.


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