DB Bottlenecks

Bradley Baetz bbaetz at acm.org
Tue Jul 13 13:04:59 UTC 2004

On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 06:40:14PM -0700, Maxwell Kanat-Alexander wrote:
> > On average, but there are still a bunch of buglist.cgi queries which can 
> > take ages.
>   Is that just because we actually have to scan in a lot of data for those queries, or is there actually an optimization that could be done there?

It depends. In some cases its because mysql won't use more than one 
index per table. In others is because we can't optimise by using 
subselects, since mysql doesn't support thoses.

There is, however, a lot of data to search through if you try silly 
queries ('all bugs with comments containing the letter e'), and no 
database can really help there.


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