Bugzilla Beta website

Myk Melez myk at mozilla.org
Thu Jul 8 15:04:42 UTC 2004

Christian Robottom Reis wrote:

>My point is that if we are going to need to battle out consensus for
>details in the design we've already lost the war. UI designs aren't
>something that are well-disposed to arguing it out over bugs, and mpt,
>Firefox and the thousands of Mozilla UI bugs open have proven those
>points much better than I could.
Agreed, and you don't need consensus.  You only need my approval as UI 
component owner (or Dave's when you disagree with my decisions).

>I agree that having an initial layout that shows the direction I'm
>suggesting we move towards is good, but what would be necessary after
>that is an initial `pre-approval' nod that said `we'll stick to your
>plan and trust you'll do it well'. I don't have an excess of time to
>invest on this, but I'd be willing to do it.
I don't have a lot of time either, but I have enough to give you this 
nod for your overall endeavor and timely approval of the sequence of 
simple, small, iterative changes that gets us to the end-point, just as 
I've done (along with reviews) for the pair of CSS gurus who have been 
modifying our HTML one template at a time for CSS friendliness.

>My proposal would be to suggest some general guidelines on developers@,
>have a fixed period of time to discuss it, make a single mockup, and
>then just move on towards template changes.
Sounds good, except "have a fixed period of time to discuss it" should 
be "get input from others and come to agreement with Myk (or Dave)"; and 
note that some changes may require Perl code hacking in addition to 
template work.


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