bug_email.pl and bugzilla_append_email.pl

Klaas Freitag freitag at suse.de
Wed Feb 18 10:45:04 UTC 2004


> Note that this problem is only really difficult on initial bug reports.  
> Once the initial report is done, updates are simple.  We can use either 
> the reply-to address or the subject line to code in a token like the 
> following examples for bug 23456 with a token of "w9k7Q".  If bugmail 
> goes out with
>   Subject: [bug 23456, w9k7Q]
> or
>    reply to:<bug23456=w9k7Q at buzilla.mozilla.org>
> Then, a user needs more information than just the bug number to comment 
> or attach, but just has to reply to the bugmail to do so.
> Depending on paranioa, the token could be just a hash of existing 
> information or could be some token generated and kept in a table.  
> personally, I think that a token that is a simple hash of the user's 
> crypted password and the bug number would be just fine.
Well, I patched our bugzilla here to generate a bugzilla message Id for the mails
of new bugs instead of taking the autogenerated one from the mailagent. It looks
like this:
Message-ID: <20040216192819.34604.freitag at suse.de>
in the mail header for NEW bugs mail. For existing bugs, my processmail script
inserts the mail header
In-Reply-To: <20040216192819.34604.freitag at suse.de>
I did that because most mail clients sort the follow up mails as replies to the initial
mail, which looks good in the client and holds all mails of a bug at one place.

The ID is nothing but the timestamp, followed by the bugID, followed by the reporters
mail (which is not important here). The BugID could be parsed out of the Message-
or In-Reply-To Id to handle the reply mail and the subject is still readable.
Patch to generate the Id is here: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31314



                                               Klaas Freitag
                              Internal Tools - SuSE Linux AG

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