Strategic features (was Slashdot article)

Christopher Hicks chicks at
Mon Dec 13 00:13:59 UTC 2004

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Gervase Markham wrote:
> Christopher Hicks wrote:
>> JIRA is our big visible competition.  Trac is our stealthy more significant 
>> competition.
> So stealthy in fact that I've never heard of it.

I won't take it personally that you're not reading my posts:


> </me views>
> What makes you think this is a more serious competitor than other systems?

Reports that people have chosen it over Bugzilla because it looks better 
and is more complete.

> Because it matches your vision of what a bug tracking system should be?

Yes, in a number of respects except for their choices of implementation.

> (Note: I'm not saying that's a bad reason...)



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