Status: Resolved Later

Kevin Benton kevin.benton at
Thu Dec 9 15:38:29 UTC 2004

I'm wondering - does it make more sense to create a pending status with a
reason code than to change status to resolved later because the issue (if
set to resolved later) in my interpretation, really isn't resolved, but
instead, put on the "back burner."  It seems to me that a resolved status
should point to the issue is resolved pending verification, and no more work
needs to be done to fix it.  Pending as a status, to me, says that work may
still need to be done pending some factor.  Pending verification doesn't
seem like a good status either because it suggests that the developers still
have more work to do after verification is done.  If more work has to be
done after verification, then verification must be re-done.  Anyway, just a
few musing/ramblings on that particular process.


Kevin Benton

Perl/Bugzilla Developer

Advanced Micro Devices



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