Bug lifetime schema

Tomas Kopal Tomas.Kopal at altap.cz
Thu Dec 9 09:02:41 UTC 2004


Shane H. W. Travis wrote:
> Hi Tomas;
> There's already a bug open that (I believe) covers what you're trying to do;
> "Status workflow diagram"
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137631
> As you can see, it's been open for a long time. :)
> If that's the same thing, then your discussion/input/assistance would be
> welcome there... especially if you're any good with dia. I do notice that
> you have one extra path at the top (new bug from someone with canconfirm
> permissions) that would probably be worth noting.

Sorry, no dia experience a no time to gain any :-). I agree that this 
ASCII form is a bit ugly, OTOH it's still clear, ultimately compatible 
(no need for any image viewer :-) ), and VERY easy to maintain (which is 
probably very valid point, considering the time the bug you mention is 
open ;-) ).
And it's all I need and I don't expect to spend more time on this, I 
prefer to get back to postgres compatibility issues :-).

BTW, as Chris noticed (thanks), there is a missing transition from 
UNCONFIRMED to ASSIGNED. Fixed version enclosed.



                   |          | Report
   Report from     |          |
   a person with   |       --------------
   canconfirm      |      |              |
   permissions     |      |  UNCONFIRMED |--
   or product      |      |______________| |
   with            |          |         |  |
   autoconfirmation \        /          |  |
                     \      /           |  |
                      |    |            |  |
                      v    v            |  |
                  -------------         |  |
                 |             |        |  |
           ----->|     NEW     |-----   |  |
           |     |_____________|    |   |  |
           |            |           |   |  |
           |            |           |   |  |
           |            v           |   |  |
           |    ----------------    |   |  |
           ----|                |   |   |  |
               |    ASSIGNED    |<--+----  |
           --->|________________|   |      |
           |            |           |      |
           |            |           |      |
           |            v           |      |
           |    ----------------    |      |
           |   |                |<---      |
           |   |    RESOLVED    |<----------
           |   |________________|---------------
           |    ^   |         |                |
           |    |   |         |                |
           |    |   v         v                |
        --------------       --------------    |
       |              |     |              |   |
       |   REOPENED   |<----|   VERIFIED   |   |
       |______________|     |______________|   |
                   ^          |                |
                   |          |                |
                   |          v                |
                  --------------               |
                 |              |              |
                 |   CLOSED     |<--------------

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