FW: checksetup.pl errors

Christopher Hicks chicks at chicks.net
Wed Dec 8 16:09:07 UTC 2004

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Kevin Benton wrote:

> I'm wondering - should checksetup.pl gripe if the user running it is a 
> member of the proper group even if their primary group isn't the target 
> group?  For example, when I log in, I'm in group X, but a member of the 
> apache group.  I think that if checksetup.pl were able to verify whether 
> or not files could be created then chgrp'd to the web group, it 
> shouldn't complain at all.

I would say people should newgrp to the right group before running 
checksetup.pl rather than expect them to remember to chgrp files later.

> One other thing - I think it would be wise for checksetup.pl to 
> interactively set g+s on all BZ directories so that new files would 
> automatically have the group set properly.

This could be done in the tarball so that checksetup.pl doesn't have to do 


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