Bugzilla as a task management tool

Yannick Koehler yannick.koehler at colubris.com
Fri Jul 11 14:27:30 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

> For exactly the same reasons why we discourage sites from fragmenting
> bugzilla into multiple installations and encourage them to simply define
> multiple products within a single installation (one query does it all,
> one set of userids, dependencies work, etc...), it is suboptimal to have
> a distinct bugzilla and taskzilla.

Exactly so it would make sense to have support for more than bug inside 
Bugzilla and would also allow one to attach a bug to a ticket and task to 

> This means that we either have a severity of "Task" or "Action" right
> along with our existing severities (which is what I do for task
> managment - and I am a developer) or we add a field to the schema that
> triggers a broader set of UI changes because the system becomes aware of
> the distinction between a task and a bug.  It also elevates the
> importance of due dates which can be handy for bugs and tasks alike.

Please... Severity is a severity.  A task is not a severity.  A task must have 
its own severity!

The same thing with an enhancement... An enhancement is NOT a bug.  It is an 
idea, a feature that needs to have a severity field related to the product 
acceptance to market.  Severity help in establishing priority.  But priority 
between enhancement and bug is unrelated.  Same for task.

4 task may be attached to a bug, only 3 done will resolve the bug but the 4th 
one would provide better ease-of-use or a no-effect on the software such as a 
task to test it...  Or get feedback from customer.  Therefore severity could 
help indicating that.  Some task are more or less severe in order to resolve 
the bug.

- -- 

Yannick Koehler
Software Designer - Colubris Networks Inc.

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