Bugzilla as a task management tool

Joel Peshkin bugreport at peshkin.net
Fri Jul 11 14:19:28 UTC 2003

Actually, this is slightly more than a UI tweak....

For exactly the same reasons why we discourage sites from fragmenting 
bugzilla into multiple installations and encourage them to simply define 
multiple products within a single installation (one query does it all, 
one set of userids, dependencies work, etc...), it is suboptimal to have 
a distinct bugzilla and taskzilla.

This means that we either have a severity of "Task" or "Action" right 
along with our existing severities (which is what I do for task 
managment - and I am a developer) or we add a field to the schema that 
triggers a broader set of UI changes because the system becomes aware of 
the distinction between a task and a bug.  It also elevates the 
importance of due dates which can be handy for bugs and tasks alike.

We see this request on the list and newsgroup regularly.  I suspect that 
I am not the only bugzilla developer who actually uses bugzilla for 
tasks right alongside of bugs.  It is time for a good proposal on how to 
do this right rather than a hack that just renames fields.


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