Your status report needs you!

Bradley Baetz bbaetz at
Wed Apr 23 13:13:26 UTC 2003

Auth reorg

As part of the ongoing preparation for mod_perl, Bugzilla's
authentication mechanisms were modularised. This makes dropping in a new
authentication scheme easy. Both the existing DB and LDAP systems were
modified to this format. As well, the CGI part of the backend was
split up to allow for authentication from other sources, such as emails.
This is still theoretical, but the design does allow it.

As part of this conversion, LDAP logins now use the standard Net::LDAP
module (using openldap), rather than the Mozilla::LDAP modules (using
the Mozilla project's LDAP configuration).


Work continues on mod_perl support. As well as the authentication
reorganisation, there is a patch pending (not present in 2.17.4) to move
user handling into a module. With this patch (as well as some other
patches), mod_perl has been implemented for show_bug.cgi (as wlel as
minor pages such as index.cgi). Times to show a simple bug with 5
comments (via wget -O /dev/null) go from 0.5-0.6 seconds to 0.1-0.15
seconds on an unloaded P4-2.4GHz machine. [note to self - test on
landfill when I have time and when Dave is around to keep restarting
Apache for me]

This is not yet ready for prime time, however. Lots of the work is very
'hacked up', and the patches only support mod_perl installations.

At this time only mod_perl v1 is being supported. mod_perlv2 is still
experimental, and several bugs in v2 have been found (including server
crashes now fixed in mod_perl-cvs). No deliberate mod_perl v2
incompatabilities are being introduced, however, and v2 support will be
added at a later stage.

The major factor inhibiting mod_perl support ATM is the lack of
development time, and the lack of time for other bugzilla developers to
review patches.

Who wants to tidy that up for me? ;)


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