Who uses data/sqllog?

Jon Tollefson kniht at us.ibm.com
Tue Sep 3 14:48:23 UTC 2002

I use it for occasional debugging.  Its nice sometimes to have something
to trace what sql statements are being issued.  The DBI trace
information, though more verbose, looks like it would be ok.


On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 04:28, Bradley Baetz wrote:
> Emulating data/sqllog exactly is going to be a big pain. So, I'd like to 
> know who actually uses it, and if they do, what for?


> So, the choices are:
> 1) If people only use this for occasional debugging, then I'll just set
> DBI up to trace to data/sqllog if it exists.
> 2) I can keep the current implementation basically as-is
> 3) Something else.
> Thoughts?
> Bradley

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