Why quicksearch sucks

Andreas Franke afranke at ags.uni-sb.de
Sat Nov 16 08:43:04 UTC 2002

> This doesn't work. The reason is that if I'm searching for 'ftp login
> failure', then I want to find a bug with the summary 'login failure' in
> the 'Networking: FTP' component, and not fail because 'ftp' wasn't in
> the summary.

The point was that under the assumption that almost all bugs about 
ftp login failure are located in the ftp component, the query
	:ftp login failure
with the new semantics would give you almost the same results as
	ftp login failure
gives you now. Of course, this requires the user knowledge about the
product/component hierarchy, or else relies on redundancy (the majority
of bugs in the ftp component contain the substring "ftp" in the 
summary, too). Actually, your example gives exactly the same result
(one bug) in both cases, even without the colon.

But your point is taken. Fixing the backend now is certainly much 
better, unfortunately I can't help on that side. 

Thanks for your effort,


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