Why quicksearch sucks

Bradley Baetz bbaetz at student.usyd.edu.au
Sat Nov 16 05:29:14 UTC 2002

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 06:04:56AM +0100, Andreas Franke wrote:

> So this would be a possible solution on the bugzilla backend side,
> dealing with the performance difference for some kinds of queries
> caused by the latest code changes. On the other side, maybe as a
> short-term solution, we could adopt quicksearch by just changing
> the semantics to _not_ include product / component by default,
> so that you'd have to explicitly specify the "area prefix" (":")
> if you want to do substring matches in product and component names,
> and only there.

This doesn't work. The reason is that if I'm searching for 'ftp login
failure', then I want to find a bug with the summary 'login failure' in
the 'Networking: FTP' component, and not fail because 'ftp' wasn't in
the summary.

OTOH, I don't see much of a point for including the status whiteboard...

> This makes it a bit less intuitive for new users
> who are not familiar with the actual product/component hierarchy
> used by mozilla.org, but most of the queries would still find 
> most of the relevant bugs, so having quicksearch available again
> with that changed semantics may be an improvement over it being
> disabled completely. And when the real solution is well tested
> and checked in, the semantics can always be changed back if so
> desired.

Nope; see above.



Well, the fact that bmo is 40-50 times as slow as myk's test machine
points to anohter oppertunity for improvment :)

> Is this sufficient improvement to make this change and enable 
> quicksearch on b.m.o again? Or are we going for the backend
> fix only?

I thik we do want the backend fix, epscially since custom fields is
going to make this basically a requirement.

> Cheers,
> Andreas


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