Topline goal ideas for Bugzilla based on what a few sites are doing or needing

Dylan Hardison dylan at
Mon Nov 30 03:14:10 UTC 2015

During the bugzilla meeting last week, I offered my opinion that the
project should have
some top-line goals that directly relate to interested parties. I also
volunteered to research this.

I spent a bit of time on,, and
I also ran a few simple queries against open bugs on BMO, ordered by
the number of CC's by specific accounts. Many of those bugs are very
old, have very little activity
and (in my humble opinion) examples of "perfect is the enemy of good".

What I've compiled (which is not much) is now available on the wiki page:

I have done this of my own time -- the opinions I hold are very probably
distinct from those of the BMO team. But then, I have only been
acquainted with Bugzilla
for 2 out of its 17 year history. :-)

Let's work over these ideas on the wiki -- and also on the mailing
list if that is appropriate --
and come together for the December 23rd meeting with a set of high
level goals that users of bugzilla can benefit from.

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