Warning when checking out some extension repos

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Thu Nov 20 14:48:48 UTC 2014

Dear Bugzilla team,

If you attempt to check out some of our extension repos, such as:

git clone ssh://gitolite3@git.mozilla.org/bugzilla/extensions/SiteMap.git

you will get this alarming warning:
"Warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout"
and you will get what seems like an empty directory.

The repo is actually all there; the error is because these repos don't
have a master branch, and by default git attempts to check it out once
it's downloaded the repo. Do:

git branch -a

and then

git checkout remotes/origin/4.0

(or whatever the name of a branch is)

to get some code.

You could then create a new master branch (presumably based on the most
recent branch or at another sensible spot) and push it so that people
don't have this problem in the future:

git checkout -b master
git push origin master


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