How we use Git

Randall S. Becker rsbecker at
Wed Nov 12 23:18:58 UTC 2014

On: November 12, 2014 10:02 AM Gervase Markham wrote:
>> I will have to get with Mark on how this would work command wise.
>> For example, when the bugzilla-4.4-stable branch is created, no commits
>> are made to it ever. So when we release the next minor version of 4.4,
>> we delete the old bugzilla-4.4-stable branch completely and create the
>> one in the new location. Is that basically it?

>No. You would merge the "4.4" branch to the "bugzilla-4.4-stable"
>branch. This would always be a fast-forward merge because the
>"bugzilla-4.4-stable" branch would never have independent checkins, it
>would just accept merges from 4.4.

This does make sense from a git standpoint. Naming something "release-X"
when it moves ends up being pretty counterintuitive. Having a well-known
integration branch is a very common approach.

>git checkout bugzilla-4.4-stable
>git merge 4.4
>git commit

There will be a push upstream, also, to publicize. The commit is generally
local and I would not suggest ever doing a merge/commit directly on the
repository. I mean "ever". If anything goes wrong, you want the opportunity
to fix it.

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