[Comments appreciated] Which bugs get fixed?

Aiden Kim aidenkkim at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 05:08:47 UTC 2014

Hi guys,

I'm not a developer like the most of you, but maybe I can contribute to the community as well---if everything goes well. 

For my research, I'm analyzing different aspects of the bug fix process on Bugzilla, and hopefully I can come up with some useful results that could be used to improve Bugzilla in the future. But first, I need to understand Bugzilla community better, and the process in which the bugs get fixed. My questions are:

+ Who would report bugs on Bugzilla? Casual users (e.g., common users of Firefox), or Mozilla employees? Maybe, employees of companies using and extending Mozilla's software products? Volunteering open-source developers?  Basically, how do bugs enter the system, by who, and with what incentives (e.g., monetary, pleasure, interest, related to job, etc)?

+ Similar to the question above, who would fix bugs on Bugzilla? Mozilla employees? Employees of companies using and extending Mozilla's software products? Volunteering open-source developers? 

+ How do bugs get chosen for fixing? Are they assigned by an authority (as it would happen in corporate setting)? Are they picked up voluntarily (e.g., developer picks up whichever he/she is interested in)? 

+ Are the bugs managed in a stack (e.g., priority stack), or in a queue? Or, are the bugs taken up in a completely random fashion (i.e., people take up whichever they want)? 

I suppose the story might be different for every developer here, and I want to hear your story. To compress my questions, I'm interested in:

+ Who reports bugs, and why
+ Who fixes bugs, and why
+ How bugs get chosen for fixing, and in what order, if any.

I'll be looking forward to hear from you! And, please feel free to let me know if there is another more appropriate place for my questions. Thank you for your replies and pointers in advance!

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