Wide character in syswrite at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Net/Cmd.pm line 436.pm

jing 605507247 at qq.com
Mon Jul 22 06:40:26 UTC 2013

My os is Asiaunix , I install bugzilla4.4 on this pc, and I use mysql as my  db.


when I install I add "default-character-set=utf8" to /etc/my.cnf . And the  status of utf8 on params seting pages is default to on.


Then I can submit or change status of bugs successfully when they are written  in english .


But when I use chinese to describe the bug , the massage "soft error :Wide  character in syswrite at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Net/Cmd.pm line 436.pm" will show  . And the email can't be sent.


I had seen the bug recode in Bug List . And I dropped the database,  re-ran checksetup.pl and recode.pl. . but still doesn't work.


So I don't know what to do .


And how can aviod to this problem when I install bugzilla on other  pc?


Or which version of bugzilla can I use without this  problem?


Please help.Thank you vsery much .
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