Removing Oracle Support

Frédéric Buclin lpsolit at
Sat Aug 14 10:25:06 UTC 2010

Le 14. 08. 10 05:38, Max Kanat-Alexander a écrit :
> I suspect that Xiaoou will eventually show up and fix all the bugs
> that we've been filing--he usually does. So it probably will still
> be possible for us to support Oracle, technically.

I think the technical aspect is important to us. As long as xiaoou, or
any new contributor with the required skills to fix the Oracle driver,
fixes bugs so that it still works fine with Bugzilla, there is no reason
to drop this driver. From the questions I can read on IRC and the bugs
filed on bmo, there are clearly some installations using Bugzilla with
Oracle. I don't know how much, I don't know if they were already using
Bugzilla before we supported it or if they moved to Bugzilla because it
now supports Oracle, but the fact is that the Bugzilla + Oracle
combination exists.

> Well, anybody could do anything, but MySQL is *presently* owned by 
> Oracle and MariaDB is not. (And there are numerous technical
> advantages to using MariaDB.)

But even if we support MariaDB one day, we won't drop support for MySQL.
This would be the biggest error we could do, IMHO. All small teams using
Bugzilla with few skills in the Perl and/or DB areas would stop using
Bugzilla, or would stick with an old version of Bugzilla forever.

> I'm totally open to being talked out of this, by the way. But I just 
> really need to see that it's important for us to continue supporting 
> Oracle even though I think they're being generally harmful as an 
> organization.

Well, are you going to stop using OpenOffice as well? And VirtualBox,
assuming you use it? And


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