Fwd: REST APIs, and Tags

Frédéric Buclin lpsolit at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 19:32:03 UTC 2009

Le 27. 11. 09 14:07, Max Kanat-Alexander a écrit :
> 	I'm not sure that they would. Remember, right now you could make
> "editbugs" a member of "editkeywords" if you wanted. Why don't you? (The
> answer to that question has nearly the same answer as "why not let
> everybody make global tags?")

If everybody could add global keywords, then it wouldn't make sense to 
separate keywords and the status whiteboard anymore. The reason we don't 
let everybody edit keywords is that it would be much more difficult to 
search for bugs based on them.

>> And yes, it should be possible for someone else to do that search too.
>> tag=wibble&taguser=gerv at mozilla.org, or some better UI. So that searches
>> can be shared by just sending or posting a URL, without needing any
>> complicated internal Bugzilla system.

Oh, this violates privacy. Other people should only be allowed to query 
for personal things you agree to share, which is what we are doing 
currently with shared searches. I wouldn't want people to know which 
tags I'm using for such or such bugs without my consent.

> 	They don't have to be connected. I think that it was just convenient to
> piggyback tags on to Saved Searches, because they essentially do the
> same thing, in a way--they list bugs.

Yes, that's the exact reason why I implemented tags this way.


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