The timezone problem

Gervase Markham gerv at
Tue Nov 17 14:45:10 UTC 2009

On 13/10/09 17:14, Gervase Markham wrote:
> So I'm looking at trying to solve (as best I can) the timezone problem
> for my API.

OK, I think I've cracked this. Every timezone on the API is now output 
in the following form:
(literal T and Z), which is ISO 8601 extended format. And assuming you 
tell the API what the timezone of the target Bugzilla is, all the 
timestamps are correct.

(Yes, I could have determined this programmatically at every startup, 
but it seemed easier to just have it as a config.)

I _think_ this will work even if the user changes their TZ preferences, 
because the stamps output still have TZ info attached, which means I can 
convert back to UTC.

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