Self-Introduction: Stephen Reindl

Stephen Reindl sreindl at
Tue Mar 10 19:35:33 UTC 2009


> We are willing to improve LDAP support 

	Hmm, what would you like to improve about it, any idea?

We are currently using bugzilla with OpenLDAP and one of the things we would
like to improve is the interaction with account and group handling with LDAP
(see my patch for bug 363821 as an example). In the next weeks I will have a
look on the bugs referencing LDAP to see if any more things can be done on
existing bugs. In addition I will see if any more integration is needed also
for Active Directory.

Any more references to bugs related to LDAP besides those bugs who have LDAP
in their title might help

> Another topic might be the support of the German translation.

	Yeah, get in touch with Wurblzap if you're interested in that.

I'll do.

> As part of our development is done on Windows, we
> even think of integrating Bugzilla into TFS (like scmbug for
> subversion and CVS).

	Sure, any hooks you need for that, we'd be happy to help with.

Next step...


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