Hi all. A concept for a feature under BugId 359251

Leon KUKOVEC leon.kukovec at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 15:36:22 UTC 2009

Hi all,

LDAP would certainly be a nice to have, but
I guess we can address that as an extension to the orignal idea.

I'd like to focus on requirements first and then close the open
Let's keep implementation details away from this for now.
Feel free to add items/remove items from all lists.

Why we do it:
  1. Today, whenever e-mail distribution list is added to the CC,
people that are
     members of the distribution list could be also on CC
individually. As a result
     those people will get many e-mails on the same subject. We'd like
     Bugzilla to send the e-mail only once.

These are the facts that should be done no matter how we implement it:
  1. a group name has to be added, using regular Bugzilla
  2. list of users (valid login_names) has to be added to the group,
using regular Bugzilla user/group administration

Open issues that I see:
  1. do we really need group support in all fields or just the CC
  2. is a group name a login_name (e-mail address) or a Bugzilla
  3. what to do to make extensions (such as LDAP lookups) possible for

On Jul 10, 12:56 am, Charlie Powell <powe... at powelltechs.com> wrote:
> The retrieval of group information via ldap would be a nice idea, although a potential issue that could arrise there is discrepancies between various ldap infrastructures. (Please correct me if I'm wrong, as my ldap experience is very little and only just recent, but)... Can groups be defined in different means for different ldap servers, ie: M$'s AD vs. Zimbra's implementation? Either way, there would still need to be an internal mechanism, such as Bugzilla::Group, that provides the interface to the gui and logic.
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