Announce: BZ::Client 1.0

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Tue Aug 11 11:59:51 UTC 2009

2009/8/11 Mads Bondo Dydensborg <mbd at>:
> I agree it is limited. But, you can actually use it to create bugs, display
> lists of bugs and a number of other things.

I know - that's a bit better than Trac, but not what I was hoping for.

> I wrote a C# proxy for it, which interesstingly, was usuable outside my own
> organization:
>> That puts bugzilla back down to the same "hey you can always
>> screenscrape" level solution as Trac that I wanted to avoid.
> Yes, this is a pain.

Yes, I've basically given up on the padre plugin now, as I have plenty
of things I'd sooner do that write code to screenscrape bugtrackers
that haven't managed to crawl into the 21st century ;p

>> Somebody let me know when bugzilla lets you do useful things via a
>> webservice
> You can always follow the bugs at -
> select Product Bugzilla, component WebService.
> You may even want to contribute some code/time towards the goal.

That's part of the problem - I could do that but it would require
anybody who wants to use the code I write that uses the new webservice
features to get their bugzilla updated to the release it eventually
makes it to, so it would solve my current problem in 18 months, 3 or 4
years - depending on how often the majority of the userbase updates

I was looking for something that would give an immediate "wow" factor
to the padre IDE, this avenue looks like a dead end until at least one
bug tracker manages to provide actual interactive webservices - much
as it's tempting to write an extension that does it, it would still
not help as most bugzilla users would never have any input on when the
server get's updated or any extra bits installed.

oh well.


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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