Announce: BZ::Client 1.0

Jochen Wiedmann jochen.wiedmann at
Mon Aug 10 15:38:04 UTC 2009

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Aaron Trevena<aaron.trevena at> wrote:

>  - looking at the Makefile.PL I don't see any dependancies, and when I
> try to install I get errors as it "Can't locate XML/" amongst
> other modules (they should be listed in PREREQ_PM)

Fixed in 1.01, thank you! I'll upload it as soon as is
online again.

>  - tests will never pass when using the cpan client as they are done
> via the command line, and don't skip or prompt the user (I'd prefer
> skipping unless environment variables were set)

I can't follow you here. The command line is only used to configure
the Makefile. Absent any
command line parameters, tests are skipped. Should be perfectly CPAN compliant.

> - I couldn't easily find an example of actually using the Bugzilla API
> through it - a worked example of closing or updating a bug would be
> immensely helpful.

Examples of closing or updating a bug are hard to give: That
functionality is still missing
on the server side.


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