Switching to Bazaar (bzr)

Jochen Wiedmann jochen.wiedmann at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 20:22:30 UTC 2009

2009/4/14 Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza at gmail.com>:

> This is not about hosting facilities, this is about dealing with many
> versionning control systems. Currently, as a Mozilla contributor, I have to
> deal with CVS, SVN and Hg (for code and websites). This is already a barrier
> to most of new locales, especially the smaller ones with no or few computer
> skills. Adding another one, only for Bugzilla, will not bring more l10n
> contributors for Bugzilla.

I'd support Cédric's view and vote for choosing either of the three
existing systems. Note that there are tools like git-svn, which allow
to use DVCS against an SVN server. I do not know about Hg, or Bzr, but
perhaps there are similar solutions?


I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
how to use my telephone.

    -- (Bjarne Stroustrup,
       My guess: Nokia E50)

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