Move to Maketext: request for comments

Vitaly Fedrushkov fedrushkov at
Sun Nov 30 08:05:40 UTC 2008

Max Kanat-Alexander wrote:
 > 	That is, unless we just pre-compile translated templates, in
 > which case it could all be in one file (but I think having such a huge
 > file would still be a problem for some text editors).

File size is not a problem, there are Translate Toolkit tools and 
special .po file editors (and yes Emacs major mode, too).

>>   * How many .po files per language we need?

> 	Well, we're going to have an enormous number of strings, I
> believe. I think we should probably have one .po per top-level template
> directory that we have now. Otherwise we'd be reading in a huge file
> for every page load, which would be a big problem under mod_perl (which
> would never release that memory).

Mikhail Gusarov wrote:
 > Why separate web/cli/email messages?

My primary concern here was lexicon loading overhead, not its memory 
footprint.  If we can reduce from one loading per request to, say, one 
per single persistent http connection -- worth it?  Single Bugzilla 
object would cache only relevant lexicons, best matched by Accept-Language.

And single lexicon size and loading overhead may be reduced by splitting 
  to several 'caller contexts':

  - web (CGI scripts, pm modules, web templates)
  - email (cron scripts, pm modules, email templates)
  - command line (.pl scripts, pm modules, global templates only)

Which will lead to approximately six lexicons:

  - Generic templates (global/*)
  - Email templates
  - Web templates (the rest)
  - and below
  - .cgi scripts
  - .pl scripts

This split serves no other purpose but to avoid loading all of them 
every time.

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