Distributed Bug Tracking

Vitaly Fedrushkov fedrushkov at users.sourceforge.net
Tue May 20 17:58:36 UTC 2008

> Should Bugzilla be moving in a direction which makes it more 
> distributed? Or are offline storage clients the right solution to the 
> "guy on a plane" problem?

IMHO there are other orthogonal technologies which make this possible. 
I use Nokia 9500, and I'll tell you if/when Bugzilla will get too 
bloated to fit there :-)))

In distributed development, only good code -- something really worth 
sharing -- gets shared.

In bug/problem tracking knowledge sharing is many times more essential: 
as ESR put it, debugging and peer review DOES scale well.  It is a bug 
tracker which makes this scaling possible, and in contrast to SCMs, 
_anything_ is worth sharing.

To get a picture of two different processes: compare total number of 
patches in b.m.o to number of patches actually committed.

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