Bugzilla identification

Renno Reinurm rreinurm at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 11:13:45 UTC 2008

I had problems with Bugzilla identification. Currently unique identity
is users email address. I had situation where email is not good option
at all.

I'm using Kerberos authentication and LDAP (MS AD) for authorization.
If user is put into the Bugzilla users group in LDAP, then he/she can
access Bugzilla. If user goes to Bugzilla page, he/she will
automatically get new account according to mail attribute in LDAP if
it hasn't existed before.

But if users mail attribute has changed, then he/she will
automatically get new account or administrator has to change user

I think better way would be to use unique user attribute from LDAP for
user identification like saMAccountname from AD. And if user login to
Bugzilla, then every time will be checked if he/she mail address is
still same or needs it synchronize.

My problem was that every user got new email address in AD, what I
discovered some time later and I had to write a script to give
original account new email address.
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