Examples for calling Bugzilla Web Services?

Mads Bondo Dydensborg mbd at dbc.dk
Fri Jan 4 19:45:52 UTC 2008

fredag 04 Januar 2008 skrev brandontkane at gmail.com:
> Hi there,
> I'm looking at integrating some functionality into an application I've
> written to use some of the Bugzilla Web Services.  The application
> itself is a Java application.  I was just wondering if there are any
> examples or other resources I can use to help me get started with
> this?

I know of at least two projects: 
c#: oss.dbc.dk/bugzproxy
perl: look in the bugzilla contrib directory

Both use libraries to construct, transfer and parse XML-RPC messages - you 
probably want to look at something like http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/ or 
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/j-xmlrpc.html (google java 
xml-rpc) and see if they don't have a testclient or something like that to 
test against a running bugzilla (such as landfill.bugzilla.org).



Med venlig hilsen/Regards

Systemudvikler/Systemsdeveloper cand.scient.dat, Ph.d., Mads Bondo Dydensborg
Dansk BiblioteksCenter A/S, Tempovej 7-11, 2750 Ballerup, Tlf. +45 44 86 77 

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